Drugs and alcohol has been glamorized by the media and in social media, with the latter playing such a big role in our daily life s it affects our own behaviors and preferences.
In the Philippines, drugs is one of the most prevalent problems in the country, with an estimated 1.7 million Filipinos addicted or using drugs.
Below is the profile of drug users, according to the Dangerous Drugs Board of the Office of the President:
- Mean Age: 28 years old
- Ratio of Male to Female Drug Users: 10:1
- Civil Status: Single (58.21%)
- Employment Status: Unemployed
- Average Monthly Household Income: Pho 16,290.80
- Residence: Urban Areas
- Duration of Drug Use: more than 6 years
- Nature of Drug Use: Poly-drug Use
- Most Commonly Abused Substances: (1) Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu); (2) Cannabis (Marijuana); and (3) Inhalants (Contact Cement, also known locally as ‘rugby’)
The figures above are alarming because they are growing and, unlike what the statistics revealed, many drug users are young adults and teenagers.
Don’t be part of the statistics. If you, or someone you love, is addicted to drugs or any other substances, call us NOW:
[…] studies have been conducted on what really causes addiction, or if it is truly a matter of nature versus nurture. Some studies show that there are certain […]