Waiting Game: How Long Meth Stays in Your Body




Methamphetamine, or locally known here in the Philippines as shabu, is a highly addictive drug that has preyed upon millions of Filipinos. Because of the proliferation of drug addiction cases in the country, employers routinely check on employees and new-hires to ensure that they are not using or are working under the influence.

Now, if you have used meth in the past and are worried about how long it stays in the body, it will take some time before it becomes undetectable through drug tests.


Image source: www.sacsconsulting.com

Detection Factors of Meth in the Body

Meth or shabu can show up in a urine test for an average of 1 to 4 days for casual users. However, for heavy and chronic users, meth can last in the body for up to a week.

For hair follicle tests, however, meth can show up for as long as 90 days.

Find out what the dangerous physical and mental effects of meth are in your body. Read our blog here.

Still, the exact time that meth stays in your body is dependent on many factors. We’ll discuss them below.

1. Dose and Frequency. The more shabu you take, the longer will your body work to get rid of it. Also, the more times in a day or week you use the drug, then the larger the amount of drug you have in your system. Your liver can only detoxify a certain amount of substance at a time, and the same goes for meth.

2. Tolerance. If you’re using meth on a daily basis, then traces of the substance can accumulate in your body overtime. It will take a longer time for your body to get rid of it. This is why chronic shabu users can still have the drug detected in their urine or hair follicles after a long time.

3. Age. Just as much as your age affects your bodily functions, the same can be said on how your body processes substances such as shabu. The younger you are, the less time it takes for your body to release shabu, based on the average.

4. Health. If you’re in tip top shape, then your body functions well and smoothly too. However, since many meth addicts tend to be in poor health, then their body takes a long time to recognize and process the drug, therefore taking a longer time to be cleared from your body.

It’s not worth it

Aside from detection of meth in your body, meth also has a wide array of side effects and dangers that pose great risks on your physical, mental, and even economical health. Aside from these effects, there’s also the legal and social consequences you have to deal with. So if you are required to take a drug test for a job, using meth is not worth the many risks at all.


If you can’t control your meth use or have trouble stopping, maybe you have an addiction already. Call or text us at 09175098826 for help.

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