Many people are still at a loss when it comes to why and how people become drug addicted. Often, and due to prevailing misconceptions about addiction, people think that people get addicted by choice. That they develop drug addiction, or other kinds of addiction, because they are simply lacking in principles or don’t have enough willpower.

But what is addiction, really? How do people get addicted and why? In this article, we’ll go on a dive into these questions, focusing on drug addiction, which is one of the most common types of addiction.
What is Addiction?
Addiction is a chronic disease. Relentless, compulsive, and uncontrollable drug-seeking behavior that persists despite harmful consequences are all hallmarks of addiction.
While the initial decision to try or take drugs is voluntary for most people, repeated use can eventually change to changes in the brain’s reward system. This can lead to changes in the drug addicted person’s judgment, sense of what satisfies them, feelings of rewards and motivations, as well as their self-control. Eventually, it can also interfere with their ability to resist the cravings, which can come more frequently and with a stronger impact.
Those who become addicted would often have distorted thinking and would deny that they have a problem. They would also be willing to go without comforts or the things they were used to enjoying before, in replacement of their drug use.
But then again, just because one used drugs means that they’re up for a lifetime of addiction. And then, there are those who take drugs just one time and then find themselves having difficulties resisting, causing them to easily spiral towards relapsing addiction over the years.
Who Become Drug Addicted and Why?
- Genetics. The genetic makeup or genes that people are born with are one of the factors that increase a person’s risk for becoming drug addicted, or developing addictive behavior. Their gender, ethnicity, and family history are often big indicators.
- Physiology. Drugs, and the repeated use of these substances, alter the balance of chemicals in the brain. This then causes the brain’s reward center to change, seeing drugs as its reward. The brain would then keep craving the substances to get the same feeling as it had.
- Mental health issues. The mental health issues associated with the development of different kinds of addictions are: low self-esteem, alienation, rebellion, disregard for authority, depression, anxiety, trauma, and stress.
- Social factors. The environment also offers its influence. Some of the factors included are: media and social media’s portrayal of addicted people and drugs, how often celebrities would glorify drug use—not to mention peer pressure. Exposure to parents or people using drugs as well as abuse can also affect a person’s likelihood to developing addiction.
Can We Cure a Drug Addicted Person?
Unlike some diseases like the flu or even COVID-19, for example, drug addiction can’t be cured. A person will always have it. However, they can be treated and their addiction can be managed to avoid relapse. This is where drug addiction treatment centers come in.
At Bridges of Hope, we go deep into the motivations, traumas, behaviors, attitudes, and family and social dynamics of a person. This helps us to uncover what got them using in the first place.
We closely work with the individual and with their families to teach, and allow them to rediscover, healthy coping mechanisms. Through evidence-based addiction treatment and behavioral therapy, we can help addicts. We also have 12 Steps and Eclectic Therapeutic Community. All these allow us to effectively work with our residents so that they can have lasting recovery.
Talk to us today: 09175098826.
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