6 Ways You Can Have the Best Halloween Without Drugs or Alcohol




Can you make it through Halloween without drugs?

Halloween is perhaps one of the top drinking holidays in many countries. Therefore, for those who are trying to be sober or are in recovery, navigating Halloween can be tricky.


After all, those who are in active addiction may see Halloween as an opportunity to dress up and head out to parties. This is also a time for them to indulge in their addictions. Therefore, as someone who tries to live a sober lifestyle or are into recovery, being surrounded by intoxicated people or getting offered drugs by strangers may become dangerous triggers.

This said, can Halloween celebrations ever be fun and exciting without the booze?

The answer is “Yes, of course!”

Read on to find out.

How You Can Have the Best Halloween Sober

1. Change your perspective. Instead of looking at Halloween to dress up and get boozed up, look at it as a way for you to unwind, or maybe even reflect. Especially if you’ve been in active addiction, Halloween can also be an important celebration that you navigate sober–and maybe even find more meaning in.

2. Ditch the Halloween bashes. Yes, you can do that. Your recovery and sobriety is more important than turning own invitations. And those who care about you, like your family members and trusted friends, would understand if you have to pass up on their invites.

3. Watch a scary flick. Nothing says Halloween than some scary movies. So pick out a couple of your favorites, grab some snacks, and maybe invite some special people to watch with you. Set up your home with creepy decorations and you have the makings of a spooktacular night.

4. Create your own traditions. Now that you are navigating life sober, you understand the need to change your mindset and your lifestyle. The same goes when it comes to celebrating traditions. There are many traditions that you can start now, like running Halloween themed marathons or races, going trick-or-treating, dressing up your home with a spooky theme, or donating to charities. You may even go to your community center or church and volunteer your time to help out in their events.

5. Party with sober friends. Invite your support group or join sober groups and organize a party together. Have some music, share a potluck or go grilling–you can be creative as you want. Being sober doesn’t mean parties have to be boring anyway.

6. Find a haunted house. To get into the spirit of Halloween without drugs, why not go out of town or travel to a different place and look for haunted houses in the area? You may even try Halloween tourist spots or amusement parks and get your blood flowing.

Start Celebrating Halloween Without Drugs

Halloween without drugs is possible. With the right mindset and a dash of creativity, you can set a sober Halloween as a standard for all your holidays with your families and friends. In fact, this can also help set you up for life-long recovery.


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