7 Ways You Can Avoid Feeling Helpless During the Pandemic



There are many ways you can support each other and your community–while caring for your mental health too–in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic.

So the coronavirus pandemic has turned things topsy-turvy. Businesses and life in general are at a standstill. In fact, we seem to be approaching a new norm.

There will be times you might feel helpless. And that’s totally normal. No one is ever prepared for this kind of situation. It can be unsettling, but there are ways you can cope.

If you feel helpless in the midst of this pandemic, you’re not alone. That doesn’t mean there’s nothing you could do, however–because you can still do so many things from the comfort of your own home.

In recovery, you are being taught that you can’t change certain things, but you can change the way you approach and deal with the situation. That applies largely in our situation.

Here are some tips you can avoid feeling helpless during the pandemic.

Stay home and ask others to do the same.

Our government has been putting in place community quarantine measures to flatten the curve, or slow down the spread of the virus so our health system is not overwhelmed.

It is up to every individual to help in this widespread effort. And we are called to stay home.

Self-quarantining can be isolating, but we have technology to help us stay together and connected, even digitally or remotely.

What you can do is to check on your loved ones and friends and encourage them to also stay home and practice social distancing measures. Let them know the importance of this.

Don’t panic-buy and hoard.

Supplies may be unpredictable, and stockpiling might be tempting, but nothing good will come out of it. You might be depriving others who are more vulnerable and are more in need. The government and the private sector are taking steps to ensure adequate supply of essentials, so this is unnecessary.

Support your local businesses.

Small business owners are among those who are badly impacted by this pandemic. If you are able, support them. Support them at this time by patronizing their products and services to the extend that it’s safe and you’re able.


Not everyone has the opportunity to continue working from home, but if you can, consider donating to charity to help the front liners or those who are most affected by this pandemic.

Encourage front liners.

Essential workers and front liners continue to do their jobs and therefore put their lives at risk every day. Let them know how you appreciate their efforts.

If you can, send them emails, notes, or other means of support and encouragement. This can mean a lot to keeping their morale up during these uncertain times.

Check in on friends and family.

Take this extra time on your hands to reach out and check in on the people in your circle. You may not know it, but they might be struggling. Reconnect or simply check in on them. Chances are, you may not only leave a positive mark on them, you will feel energized and happy too.

Remember, it’s okay.

Social media may be sending mixed messages about what you should be doing during this pandemic–don’t listen. Limit your time on social media and the news. This will only give you anxiety and more feelings of helplessness.

Remember, it’s okay not to be okay. Talk to someone if you need to. Find healthy ways to cope with your feelings, but acknowledge them instead of trying to escape from them.

Should you find yourself resorting to substance use or know someone who is, seek help.

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