

What our clients and their families are saying about Bridges of Hope

I changed for the better

"As a drug addict, I thought I had nothing to hope for. I was physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually messed up...It wasn't easy to change and give up the lifestyle that I was used to. Until I met and got to the place that helped me change my perception and that is Bridges of Hope. The facility helped me know and realize what I am, who I am as a daughter, a friend and a mother."


Bridges of Hope’s rehab program changed my life

"Bridges of Hope changed me for the better. The rehab program helped changed my attitude and I became more patient and more responsible. Being in rehab helped me deal with life without resorting to negative behaviors and to be mature about my lifestyle. For anyone who is struggling with addiction, I would recommend Bridges of Hope. I hope you don't feel sorry about yourself and do something to overcome your addiction before it's too late."

Nancy F.

From arrogance in addiction to humility in sobriety

"I was so into my addiction that I didn't care for anything else. I was arrogant, selfish, and impatient. Being in Bridges of Hope had been a great journey, first of all because the rehab program made me realize my mistakes. It taught me to be responsible for my actions and choices. I learned to be more patient now, and have learned to value myself, my family, and of course, my sobriety."

Michael D.

I now have a brighter and hopeful future

"Being a recovering addict has its challenges, but it's nice to have Bridges of Hope to continue to become my support system even after I got out of rehab. Now, I look forward to finishing my studies and getting a job."

James M.

Bridges of Hope helped me have a better perspective

"I used to make one bad decision after another. I didn't think about the future and I only thought about myself. I used to not really care about what happened to me. When I entered Bridges of Hope, I developed a different perspective. I had a different outlook in life before, but now I learned to be more positive and hopeful. I am also thinking about my family more and how to give them a better life now."

Larry P.