Addicted to Smoking? Here are 10 Ways to Resist the Cravings



addicted to smoking resist cravings

For most people who are smokers, the urge to smoke can be powerful. However, that doesn’t mean you have to give in all the time. That doesn’t mean you are powerless over your cravings.

And while there are electronic cigarettes around, these too, come with many warnings and not-so-good health reports linked to smoking e-cigarettes or vaping.

addicted to smoking resist cravings

(Image: Natasha Lyonne from Russian Doll series)

When an your cigarette or tobacco cravings start, it’s important to note that this will pass within 5 to 10 minutes. You just have to get through that seemingly long and excruciating time.

To help you out, we have rounded up 10 ways you can resist your urge to smoke.

10 Ways to Resist the Cravings

1. Try out nicotine replacement therapy. You may go to your doctor to ask for this. You may be prescribed a nicotine nasal spray or inhaler, nicotine patches, nicotine gums or lozenges, or even non-nicotine prescription medications.

2. Know and avoid triggers. Take stock of what triggers you and try to avoid these triggers. Do you get the urge to smoke after eating? Or maybe when you’re having your coffee break? Find a better, healthier alternative if you can.

3. Delay yourself. If the cravings are so intense, it might be difficult not to succumb, but what you can do is to count the minutes and delay. Tell yourself you have to wait for five more minutes, until the 5 minutes turn into 10, then 15, and the cravings are gone.

4. Try gum. You may also trick your mind into believing it’s preoccupied with cigarettes by giving it something else, such as gum, hard candy, or healthy snacks such as nuts and seeds.

5. Never trust your “just one.” We all know it’s never really going to be just one, especially after you’ve quite. One can easily turn into two, and before you know it, you’re back chainsmoking again.

6. Try being active. Instead of spending 10 to 15 minutes of your time smoking, how about you replace the activity with exercise? It can help distract your from your cravings and the endorphin high afterwards can give you a feel-good feeling.

7. Practice meditation and relaxation. You may find yourself wanting to smoke as a way to handle stress. Replace smoking with meditation or relaxation techniques to help you quell the cravings.

8. Touch base with friends and family. You may seek family members, friends, or support groups for help whenever you get the urge to smoke.

9. Go online. These days, there are many support groups that you can turn to for help online. There are social media pages as well as website that you can turn to. Finding a friend, even online, can help you be encouraged and even help you stop for good.

10. Think of the benefits. Write down or say out loud the many benefits of not smoking. These may include: becoming healthier, lessening your risk of lung disease, as well as saving money. You can sit down and write more benefits to help you keep your mind off the urge.

If you find yourself craving for substances like drugs and alcohol, however, then you may consider getting professional help from addiction treatment facilities such as Bridges of Hope. Call or text us at 09175098826.

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