Easter and Recovery Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic



How do you keep your sobriety in the middle of the global coronavirus pandemic? What can Easter teach you more about this situation?

For many, Easter is a celebration of new life. It symbolizes Jesus’ resurrection, overcoming death and bringing hope to mankind. For many, Easter is also a symbol of new beginnings. New energy, new opportunities. It can be really exciting.

Keeping your sobriety during the coronavirus pandemic

But what can Easter mean to you now, in the middle of a global pandemic? How can you make Easter meaningful as someone recovering from addiction and coping with this situation when everything seems to be on a standstill?

This coming Easter, Easter 2020, is unlike any other. However, even if you’re on a lockdown or have to follow the extended Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) measures, it doesn’t mean it has to be less special.

After all, as someone recovering from a behavioral or substance use addiction, there is more to this holiday than just bunnies and colored eggs–even during this time of the coronavirus pandemic.

Being on quarantine and lockdown can be isolating

This feeling of isolation can be a trigger for a relapse, so it’s important to take special measures to keep yourself connected to your family, loved ones, and your support group.

To keep yourself from feeling lonely and isolated in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and our ECQ, try these tips:

  • Hold virtual get-togethers. Aside from keeping in touch with those dear to you through chat, calls, video calls, take it up a notch. Host a virtual party or a simple Easter get-together. Decorate eggs while online, check up on each other, or eat together. You may try BeLive for holding shows or live broadcasts, especially since it has Easter themed overlays that can really keep you in the Easter spirit.
  • Attend virtual Easter services. Check out Easter services in your local congregation and whether they hold these online. There are many these days who have embraced social media to reach out to their church and are streaming their services.
  • Create new Easter traditions. We are all experiencing something new and unprecedented. This could be a great opportunity for you to reach out to more people at this time and discover new traditions together.
  • Give back and help. We can’t also discount the fact that while we are thinking about celebrating, there are those who are struggling or have lost their loved ones. In the midst of our Holy Week traditions, our health workers and other essential workers continue their labor, facing huge risks on a daily basis. Remember their bravery and fortitude, and extend help where you can.
Easter and recovery amidst the coronavirus pandemic

The Coronavirus Pandemic as a Time for Reflection and Renewal

“Flattening the curve” can actually be a metaphor for the human condition in general and your addiction recovery journey in particular.

This Easter is a great opportunity for you to reflect on your new life, your journey. By taking steps to flatten the curve, you make sure you are not acting recklessly and putting your sobriety in danger–even during this time.

There’s always control and discipline, which many of those who are in active addiction have lost. By undergoing treatment provided by facilities such as Bridges of Hope, you can relearn these life skills. You can be more equipped to protect yourself against the many unseen dangers and challenges that life may hurl at you.

As you reflect on what this Easter means to you, may you think about how far you’ve come and how you are going to use this new lease in life as you face this challenge or the coronavirus along with the rest of the world.

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