Insights into Common Rehab Fears and How to Overcome Them




While rehab can be a good way for addicts to get on the path to recovery, let’s face it–it’s not an easy decision. Rehab fears are real. Furthermore, going into a rehab facility and sustaining recovery require a lot of work not just from the addict but also from their families and friends.

Here in our country, with many misconceptions about addiction and rehabilitation still widespreadt, it’s difficult for people who struggle with addiction to get the help they need. Families and friends also fear talking about getting their loved ones into rehab because they are embarrassed and afraid. 


In fact, one of the biggest obstacle of getting addicts into rehab is fear. Let’s break it down.

Common Rehab Fears that Keep Addicts from Getting the Help They Need–And How to Overcome Them

  • Giving up their lifestyle. One of the rehab fears of those who are in active addiction is that if they go to rehab, that means they don’t have their substances or behaviors to hide behind or help them cope. Getting into drinking, using drugs, or gambling, for example, often entail a kind of escape-seeking purpose so that they can forget their problems or be able to cope with mental health issues.Now, once they become sober in a rehab facility, that means they would have to face their problems, think clearly enough to remember the trouble they’ve tried to run from and have also caused, as well as feel their feelings fully. These might all be a mouthful, and even overwhelming for those who are in active addiction, but to face your fears and acquire new and healthier ways to cope are hallmarks of recovery.
  • Failing to sustain sobriety. Maybe right now they are willing to go into rehab, but then, there’s still this dread that eventually holds them back. They may be afraid that they will only fail and therefore relapse. For people who are used to a certain lifestyle in active addiction, leaving these all behind can be frightening. Then, to come out of rehab and completely live a different life–it takes a lot of commitment that many may not easily take.
  • Rejection by loved ones. Being rejected by friends and loved ones can also be scary. This is especially true when you have family and friends who have been using, drinking, or gambling with you. Another fear here is that if you get into rehab, your friends and family would know and be embarrassed or ashamed of you, as if addition is a character flaw or a moral failing.Here, it’s important to note that if those people genuinely care about you, they would support your treatment and recovery. They would root for you in the choice you’ve made to be better and live a healthier, more positive life.
  • Losing their identities. For those who are in active addiction, it would probably seem that addiction is all they know. They don’t know who they are or how they could function outside of their addiction since they have revolved their lives around it for so long.They may also think that going into rehab may turn them into a mindless drone, just following rules and losing their identities in the process. However, good rehab facilities such as Bridges of Hope offer treatment programs that are tailored to their specific needs. They won’t lose themselves in the process but even more–they will find themselves, the “self” that’s been buried under their addiction.

Are you ready to take that step? Talk to us: 09175098826.


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