Are Your Parents Addicted to Drugs? Here Are Some Coping Tips




Do you have parents addicted to drugs? How do you cope? Having parents addicted to narcotic substances can be very challenging, even jarring. However, there are ways to cope. Read on to get to know some tips.

Since we are children up until we are all full grown, everything that we do–how we behave and what we believe in–are deeply influenced by the people who raised us, our parents. Your parents play a crucial role in your upbringing. And aside from imparting to you your physical characteristics, your parents also have something to do, whether indirectly or not, with your gestures, characteristics, values, behavior, and habits.


When it comes to addiction, however, parents can also have a lasting impact on you as children. For one, growing up with an addict in the household and being exposed to drugs and alcohol can make substance use seem normal, tolerated, and even encouraged. Aside from that, heredity can also have a part to play whether or not you will become addicted later on in life.

When you have parents addicted to drugs, it can have a huge impact on you. In fact, children who grew up in a household where an adult family uses drugs are also more likely to develop addiction as well. Aside from this, children who have parents addicted to drugs also exhibit the following:

  • neglecting school responsibilities
  • skipping school or classes
  • low self-esteem
  • behavioral problems
  • emotional problems
  • targeted for higher risk of verbal and sexual abuse as well as violence
  • higher risk for developing depression, anxiety, and other behavioral disorders
  • experimenting with drugs and alcohol at an earlier age

Still, as children of parents addicted to drugs and other substances, you can still turn things around. In fact, you have an important role to play in the lives of your parents.

Here are some tips that you can use to help you deal if you have parents addicted to drugs:

  1. Find a trusted adult to share your problems and feelings with. It would help if you talk to someone you trust and respect. Even if they have no way of helping your parents directly, they can help you handle the situation as well as serve as a positive and healthy outlet.
  2. Instead of keeping your feeling all bottled up, why not write about it. Find a way to release those emotions and problems because this will help you work through your fears and issues.You can try writing down your feelings in a journal, dancing, writing poetry and songs, or simply exercising.
  3. Be active. Instead of keeping to yourself, do something that you like, something that would help get your mind off your troubles. Just make sure you’re around healthy company.
  4. Choose the right friends. At this point, it’s easy to be carried away with friends who can have a negative influence on you. So, it’s always a good idea to choose who you spend time with, making sure they help provide you a positive and worthwhile support system.
  5. Have safe places. Living with parents addicted to drugs can make your house unsafe. There could be violence, anger, and so many other things that can make a child feel far from safe. Therefore, make sure there are at least a couple of safe places you can go to, just in case something goes wrong at home.
  6. Remember not to blame yourself. Whatever your parents are going through and whatever they are doing, is is not your fault. Don’t feel guilty or ashamed of your parent’s substance abuse. You can’t do anything to control them, you only can control and help yourself.

As a child of parents addicted to drugs, you can still help them overcome this problem. Seek help today. Call or text 09175098826.

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